WordPress User Role Editor
One of the best features of WordPress is the ability for multiple users to contribute content to a single website, allowing writers and editors to add and publish content from anywhere in the world. However controlling the permissions of individual users beyond WordPress’ default requires programming beyond the capabilities of

Periodic Table of HTML5
With over 100 different elements currently employed in the HTML5 standard, having a cheat sheet of all the available tags and attributes can save even the most dedicated of developers valuable time when mocking up a project. The Periodic Table of HTML Elements by Josh Duck conveniently organizes all the

LinkedIN Maps
As the saying goes, it’s not what you know but who you know that really matters. The rise of Social Media into the workplace has digitized the fine art of networking. LinkedIN Maps released by the team over at LinkedIN Labs provides you with a visualization of the relationships between

Facebook Cover Photo Template
The introduction of the “Timeline” profile is one of the most drastic and somewhat controversial of the numerous Facebook updates over the years. While the new layout is loathed by some traditionalists, it offers Facebook users and especially brands a creative way to customize their profile or Facebook Page with

CSS Grid
CSS Grid provides a customizable layout that is capable of handling up to 12 columns of content for a given webpage. The grid is designed to fit seamlessly into a 1280 monitor and automatically readjusts for smaller monitors and browser windows. Images will be shrunk to fit the width of