Free Website for Small Business
Over half of small businesses in the US don’t have a website, yet over 90% of consumers look online first for local products and services. Now businesses can get a free website and attend free seminars on how to set up their own site and get online without having any

Minimalist CSS3 Generator
Get great functionality through a minimalist interface with this CSS3 generator at CSS3Generator.com. Get help with rounded corners, transitions, box sizing, columns, RGBA and more. Related posts: CSS3 Generator A Tutorial How to Create an Image Gallery in HTML5 and CSS3 Colorful CSS3 Rollover Buttons

Apple Design Inspiration
If you’re wondering where Apple’s designers got their inspiration from, take a look at the the appliance company Braun’s 1970’s designs. White housing, minimalistic design, clarity. If you take the time to watch the video with Dieter Rams, former Braun’s head designer, you’ll see a couple of other designs from
Get the open-source PHP CAPTCHA script “Secureimage” at . Generate complex images and CAPTCHA codes with a script that can be easily added into existing forms on your website to provide protection from spam bots. All you need to run it is PHP and GD support within PHP. The Securimage

Free Printables Design
The printables designs on OhHappyDay may be ideal if you need some outside of the box marketing or design inspiration. How can you adapt these tangible project ideas to your own projects? Choose from photo props, ideas for greeting card designs and more. Related posts: Free Twitter Backgrounds More Design

Help With Social Media Branding
If you’re trying to promote a brand, or just trying to reserve your preferred username on any of the social media sites, click over to KnowEm to do all the search work for you. Simply key in your desired username and the site will check dozens of social media websites

Traffic Signs Pictures
If you have a project that requires pictures of traffic signs with accurate colors and proportions, why not go straight to the source at the Federal Highway Administration’s website instead of just googling for traffic sign pictures. You’ll get diagrams of all traffic signs along with measurements, arrows used, spacing,