Tools For Analyzing Your Website:
Analyze your own website and competitors’ websites for strongest pages, worth of a site, meta tags, internal and external links, site visits and more.

Analyze Web Page Performance
The web page performance test on WebPageTest.orggives you an overall speed test score with first view and repeat view data. The data is presented in numbers and as a graphic and also offers a full optimization checklist that includes info and tips on images, combining CSS and JS and cookies
Analyze Backlinks Instantly
Analyze backlinks from unique domains in an instant on They also feature a free bad-neighborhood checker which checks the backlinks on other domains hosted on the same server and a bulk backlink checker. Tools worked very well and quickly. The site also offers a pro version with which you
Free XML Sitemaps
Get free sitemaps of your website with up to 500 pages. XML-Sitemaps lets you create sitemaps in XML, ROR, text or html format that can be submitted to Google, Yahoo and other search engines. XML sitemaps can be used to create simple lists of all pages on a website, which
Link Popularity Checker
A service from, OpenSiteExplorer is a free link popularity checker and a backlinks analysis tool. You can get data on up to 1,000 links and unlimited use for free. You can choose to show only followed, non-followed or 301 redirects, links from internal or external pages only, and also
Site Usability Checker
As you’re building a new website, or as a periodic maintenance strategy, you should check your website’s usability. Don’t wait until your website is ready to go live, but check occasionally to see what information some different online tools come up with. Type your URL in once and UITest’s will
The DoFollow Add-on for Firefox
Checking links one by one for the nofollow attribute is tedious. NoDoFollow (by Zachary Fox)shows which links on a page have the nofollow attribute and which are regular follow links. Related posts: Screen Capture Firefox Add-on Firefox Firebug Extension Web Developer’s Toolbox for Firefox
Compare Yahoo and Google Search Results
Type in a keyword or keyword phrase and find out which sites rank highest in Google or Yahoo. With the help of Langreiter’s comparison tool you’ll see at a glance which sites rank high in either search engine. Now it’s up to you to figure out why… Related posts: Google