Causes & Non-Profits
For Causes & Non-Profits:
Website tools that might be especially useful when promoting causes for non-profits and other charitable groups.
Open Source Auction Script
If you’re trying to get an auction site up and running quickly, give Webid a try. It is still in beta stages, but is already a popular open-source auction solutions, written in PHP and customizable. Webid features an administration panel, quick install and setup, different themes and easy integration with

Add Twibbon To Your Nonprofit’s Campaigns
Create awareness throughout Twitter for your non-profit campaign by adding a Twibbon to your Twitter avatar. With your own Twibbon Campaign you’ll be able to create a microsite where users can support your cause, brand or organisation in a variety of ways: Related posts: Subscribe To Groups Of Twitterers With
Small Business Accounting Software
If you’re a professional, run a small business or you’re simply looking for free accounting software, you might want to give GnuCash a try. GnuCash is personal and small-business financial-accounting software, freely licensed under the GNU GPL and available for GNU/Linux, BSD, Solaris, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows. Download
Free Office Software
If it’s time to once again upgrade your latest word processor, spreadsheet or other office software, and you’re reluctant to spend hefty fees to do so, you may want to consider OpenOffice, the free and open office productivity suite. If you’re already using another office software package, OpenOffice will most
Free Office Applications
If you’re looking for a no cost option for a word processor, spreadsheet, presentations and collaboration tool, try Google Docs. You’ll avoid buying and updating expensive software and you can login from any computer with internet access. Another free online office suite is offered at Basic services are free,
Hardware and Software For Non-Profits
OK, the products on this site aren’t free, but many are available at a substantial discount, or for only a small administration fee. Choose from over 600 tech products that might be useful for your non-profit. offers all kinds of hardware, software, security products, hosted applications, credit card processing
Verify Your New Twitter Followers
Sure, having lots of followers on Twitter may sound good, but how many of them have followed through spambots in the hope you will follow them back? How many of them have no true interest in your tweets? Only get true followers and weed out the spam with TrueTwit. How