Content & Writing
Content & Writing:
Convert text to html, writing resources and more.

Small PDF
The personal document file or PDF is one of the most widely used formats on the internet. Though the filetype is commonplace in almost every office environment, tools to combine, merge and compress PDFs are not so widespread or easy to work with. While there are a number of software

WYSIWYG or What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get editors turn the task of creating content for the web out of the hands of professionals and hand it over to everyday computer users. These editors mimic how the entered content will display on the front-end of a website without the use of HTML attributes and tags

Egrappler Full Screen Responsive Slider
Thanks to the prevalence of jQuery, content sliders or carousels have become a must-have for many websites. The crew at Egrappler has taken the content slider to the next level by creating a full-screen responsive slider to cycle through content and images in the largest possible format. Egrappler includes a

Animated Content Tabs With CSS3
There are a number of methods for displaying content on a webpage from simple static options to complex features like jQuery sliders and carousels. However displaying a large amount of text-laden content on a page poses specific challenges to designers. The team at Tympanus put together this tutorial for designers

Geographical Location Names
If you’re working on a project that uses location names, you can use for your research and to download databases of location names from around the world free of charge. GeoNames integrates geographical data such as names of places in various languages, elevation, population and more from various sources.

Web Accessibility Checker
How accessible is your site to folks with disabilities? You can find out easily with the web accessibility checker at the International Center for Disability Resources on the Internet website at . Simply put, accessibility means making resources usable by the largest number of people possible. Techniques used to make
Frequency of Expressions and Phrases on the Web
Not sure about how that saying went, or what pronoun to use with a specific expression? If you’re a native English speaker, or you’ve learned English as a foreign language, Netspeak is a great tool for improving your writing. Enter the beginning of a phrase into the search box and