Web Design, Development
Web Design:
Anything related to web design and development: templates, images, content, color. See also individual categories for these topics.

Egrappler Full Screen Responsive Slider
Thanks to the prevalence of jQuery, content sliders or carousels have become a must-have for many websites. The crew at Egrappler has taken the content slider to the next level by creating a full-screen responsive slider to cycle through content and images in the largest possible format. Egrappler includes a

Plunk App
Mobile is the wave of the future for web traffic. Don’t get left in the dust with a lackluster mobile product that fails to take advantage of touch-sensitive devices and the responsive design framework or function at all on a mobile device. Plunk App was developed by the ZURB team

Disaster-Proof HTML5 Forms
Online forms provide a valuable avenue of communication for visitors to a website. However poorly coded form tables and outside influences like spotty Wi-Fi connections can turn filling out a form into a hassle for users. The Disaster-Proof HTML5 Forms tutorials aims to change all that by walking web-developers through

CSS3 Border-Image Property
The latest CSS3 attributes for images gives web-designers unprecedented control over the front-end display of a webpage. With the new border-image property, designers are no longer limited to solid, dotted or dashed lines. The team over at HongKiat has put together the border-image property tutorial that takes advantage of the

Base Framework
Nowadays designers and web developers need to prepare their projects not just for a number of popular web browsers, but also for drastically different screen sizes of tablets, notebooks and wide screen desktop displays. The Base Framework by Matthew Hartman gives developers a head start by featuring simple design grid

Dabblet – CSS HTML Test
Test out CSS and HTML code snippets before you use them in a design project thanks to the folks over at Dabblet. is a browser tool that allows users to test out CSS, HTML and JavaScript right from the comfort of a browser window without saving an item and exporting

WireFrame CC
Any project manager or freelance developer has had to deal with the task of creating a wireframe at some point in a project’s timeline. The team at WireFrameCC want to change the way people create wireframes and mockups with their free tool that allows users to draft comprehensive wireframes right