Fonts and tools to check your fonts.

Local Font
The wonderful world of fonts has truly turned the world wide web into a much more visually appealing place. The widespread use of fancy display fonts does come with a view downsides however, largely on the performance end. The localFont tool created by Jamie Caballero uses local storage functions to

WYSIWYG or What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get editors turn the task of creating content for the web out of the hands of professionals and hand it over to everyday computer users. These editors mimic how the entered content will display on the front-end of a website without the use of HTML attributes and tags

Adobe Edge Free Web Fonts
Fonts can add a touch of personality, class and style to a webpage, however browser restrictions limit which fonts can be natively displayed to a visitor. The is a free interface that gives designers access to a huge library of free fonts that can be quickly implemented on any page.

Identify Font of Any Page
You see the perfect font on a website or in print and you’d like to know what it’s called. How can you identify that font without having to browse through hundreds of fonts? At you can identify your font by answering a few questions about its characteristics like serifs,

Hundreds of Free, Open-Source Web Fonts
Google has launched a web fonts site that lets you browse through hundreds of free, open source fonts that are optimized for the web. You simply pick the fonts you like, review them used with actual text (no lorem ipsum), then click the ‘use’ button. You can choose from plain,

Fun ASCII Generator
Choose from dozens of different ‘styles’ (like alligator, acrobatic and bubble) of ASCII text you’d like generated at You can also choose the width of the final result, a mirror image and alignment. Here are some examples of what this ASCII generator can do:
Free Fonts
As a web designer you can never have too many fonts; take a look at the free fonts at Fontstock for some new fonts you could include into your next design. As with all freebies, you should read the terms and see where and how you’re allowed to use them.