Fun Stuff
Fun Stuff:
Fun and peculiar, sometimes even useful stuff.

Vintage Medicine Ad Brush
There are literally thousands of custom art brushes available for Photoshop, making it one of the most customizable software programs around. This set of Vintage Medicine Ad brushes from IDperson of adds a retro-flavor to custom images, backgrounds and design projects. The brush includes images of vintage medicinal remedies

Vintage Web Icon Set
Icons can add a sense of continuity to your web page. This set of vintage web icons from the crew over at Icon Shock includes icons of vintage ambulances, microphones, timepieces, arcade games, telephones, maps, furniture, medical devices and other household items that feature an old-school, yet lighthearted theme in

Animated Bar Graphs
Graphics and visualizations are a must have for adequately representing complex numerical data in an easily digestible format. Though graphics are normally handled in the realm of PhotoShop and other design programs, Derek Mack of Smashing Magazine put together this tutorial to help web designers create an animated bar graph

Build With Chrome
Who hasn’t spent hours building and designing houses, castles, pirate ships and entire cities out of LEGOblocks? The team at Google Chrome has taken the LEGO-obsession to the next level with the Build With Chrome application for Google Maps. Build With Chrome let’s users construct a LEGO building with any

Social Media Postage Stamps
Set your website apart from the pack with a custom set of social media icons from Tony Thomas of MediaLoot. This icon pack includes 24 custom social icons from the most popular social networks with their logos redesigned as postage stamps for a classic design theme. Each icon comes as

LinkedIN Maps
As the saying goes, it’s not what you know but who you know that really matters. The rise of Social Media into the workplace has digitized the fine art of networking. LinkedIN Maps released by the team over at LinkedIN Labs provides you with a visualization of the relationships between

Free Printables Design
The printables designs on OhHappyDay may be ideal if you need some outside of the box marketing or design inspiration. How can you adapt these tangible project ideas to your own projects? Choose from photo props, ideas for greeting card designs and more. Related posts: Free Twitter Backgrounds More Design