Images, Icons, Photos, Backgrounds
Stock Photos, Images, Backgrounds and Image Tools For Your Website:
Some resources for photos, graphics, icons, backgrounds etc. may not be completely free and might have restrictions on how you can use them. Read terms before using any image. This list also includes image editing tools.

Gesture Icons
The touch screen has opened a whole new world of opportunities and challenges for designers and developers. Along with the new possibilties, comes the challenge of education users on how to interact with this new platform. Use the freebie pack of Gesture Icons by Rena One to provide visual guidance

Animated SVG Image Slider
Image sliders and carousels are ubiquitous in many web design trends, making it all the more important that developers and designers strive to bring new perspectives into projects. The team at CodyHouse put together this slider that provides a new approach to the typical carousel. The uses SVG paths to

Resize and Format Images in the Cloud
Pictures are worth a thousand words and thanks to the widespread variety of devices and screen sizes, images need to be tailored to the experience in order to deliver the best performance and visual impact for a user. Thanks to the team at, designers can speed up the process

Social Media Vector Pack
Thanks to the pervasiveness of social networks, social media icons have become ubiquitous in nearly all design projects. Whether the design is intended for print or for the web, chances are a social media icon will find its way into the project and not all of the icons fit nicely

Epic Favicon Generator
For the discerning designer in us all, no detail is too small. From the slightest border and box-shadow adjustments to pixel-perfect grid-based systems, the modern web poses a number of design challenges and options for even the most basic of projects. The good folks at BCCO have put in the

Icons V.3
Icons have held a special place in designers hearts for years and for good reason. They bring consistency across a design in ways that few other design elements can. Hüseyin Yilmaz created the Icons V.3 pack to bring cartoonish features to breathe some life into common-place icons such as drop

Svidget.js for SVGs
Scalable vector graphics or SVGs are lightweight, easy to modify and scale in size without losing quality. For these reasons they can be an ideal choice developers and designers looking to add visual elements and slick functionality without overloading the size of your site. Since SVGs are really just XML