Images, Icons, Photos, Backgrounds
Stock Photos, Images, Backgrounds and Image Tools For Your Website:
Some resources for photos, graphics, icons, backgrounds etc. may not be completely free and might have restrictions on how you can use them. Read terms before using any image. This list also includes image editing tools.
![wp smush it](
Lossless Image Optimization uses optimization techniques specific to image format to remove unnecessary bytes from image files. It is a “lossless” tool, which means it optimizes the images without changing their look or visual quality. Optimizing images for the web will drastically cut down page loading time. After runs on a
AJAX Loading GIF Generator
Create your own AJAX loading gif with this free generator at . Choose from over 30 different designs, background, main color and speed. Related posts: Color Palette Generator Tool CSS Loading Animations Hex Color Scheme Generator
Free Vectors, Images And Backgrounds
Vector graphics are a designer’s best friend, especially when they are free and of good quality like the ones at OpenGraphicDesign. The designs on this site look ultra clean and modern and are free for downloading. The site also offers other free graphics, backgrounds and templates. The work on this
Free And Royalty Free Stock Photos
Following is an ongoing list of sites for best free stock photos. Some offer free and paid options. In no particular order: Free Stock Photos: Great resource for free photos with Creative Commons license at EveryStockPhoto. Check CC license to see if you’re required to give attribution. For a great
Turn Your Images Into Jigsaw Puzzles
Create a jigsaw puzzle from your own image and send to others or put it on your website with JigsawPlanet. To add a puzzle to your website, upload your image, create the puzzle and copy and paste the code. This program works very well and the puzzle pieces move smoothly.
Photo Batch Processor
Batch processing of images and manually renaming Exifs (Exchangeable Image File format is an image file format used by digital cameras) is a very time consuming task. Phatch is a free tool for processing batches of images and renaming Exifs. It’s open source and works on Linux, Mac Os X
Image Gallery Plugin for WordPress
One of the best image gallery plugins we’ve seen – the NextGen – Gallery plugin – can by downloaded here. This image plugin, which is distributed under the GNU General Public License is very versatile and offers: – Sortable Albums : Create your own sets of images – Upload a