Images, Icons, Photos, Backgrounds
Stock Photos, Images, Backgrounds and Image Tools For Your Website:
Some resources for photos, graphics, icons, backgrounds etc. may not be completely free and might have restrictions on how you can use them. Read terms before using any image. This list also includes image editing tools.

Valentine’s Day Vector Pack
Though Valentine’s Day is loved by some and absolutely hated by others, regardless of your personal feelings on the holiday, it is big business for many companies. These free vector icons from Sam Jones can save serious time when drafting a Valentine’s Day card or image. You get heart candy,

Endless Icons
Creative and cute icons can provide a much needy dose of personality to a webpage without sacrificing too much real estate on a page. releases daily icons to spice up buttons, images, graphs and info graphics that won’t cost you a penny. Although the icons are mono-color, the available

Vintage Web Icon Set
Icons can add a sense of continuity to your web page. This set of vintage web icons from the crew over at Icon Shock includes icons of vintage ambulances, microphones, timepieces, arcade games, telephones, maps, furniture, medical devices and other household items that feature an old-school, yet lighthearted theme in

Vintage Stained Paper Textures
Textures are all over the design scene these days, especially vintage-flavored textures that add an old-school feel to digitally created images and designs. This set of free vintage paper textures from the team at Vandelay Design was created by staining authentic, vintage texts with simple watercolors for a unique look.

Animated Bar Graphs
Graphics and visualizations are a must have for adequately representing complex numerical data in an easily digestible format. Though graphics are normally handled in the realm of PhotoShop and other design programs, Derek Mack of Smashing Magazine put together this tutorial to help web designers create an animated bar graph

Grunge Photoshop Brushes
It’s no surprise that industrial textures have made a comeback in the web design world, after all they are prominently featured all over the place in interior design. Use this set of Grunge Photoshop Brushes from Tony Thomas of MediaLoot to create your very own textured backdrops and images from

Credit Card Retina Icons
Retina displays offer designers an opportunity to show off their skills in the highest resolution available. This set of credit card retina icons by MediaLoot are well-suited for commerce websites to take advantage of the impressive hardware capabilities of the latest displays. The set includes 25 individual credit card icons