MP3, Sound, Music
MP3 sounds, converters and other tools and downloads.

Buzz Javascript Audio Library
Thanks to advances in HTML5 standards, multimedia elements such as video and audio can be hosted directly on a webpage without the need for external plugins or embedded content. The helps designers include sounds and other audio effects on HTML elements that take advantage of the latest HTML5 features yet

How To Make Your Own Video Player on HTML5 Video
One of the best additions to the HTML5 standard is the native inclusion for audio/video and other multimedia elements. No longer are developers limited to the constrains of embedded Flash video players, like YouTube and Vimeo, in order to host content on a webpage. While the HTML5 video-element comes standard
Which Tab Is The Sound Coming From?
>> Update: we’ve found a way to stop the sound in Firefox! We’d love to post a free resource here that helps you find out which tab a sound is coming from, but unfortunately we don’t have a resource for this dilemma yet! Do you? Let’s say you got a
YouTube to MP3 Converter
You simply add the URL from the YouTube video or one of several other video services supported at Video2mp3, click convert and it spits it an URL where you can download the mp3 file. This may be working well for lengthy speeches for example that you can then listen to
Fun Sounds
Make sure your sound is on for instantsfun’s collection of sounds. Click on each button for the sound and on each title to get to the sound’s individual page and corresponding sound source. Choose from Benny Hill, Crickets, DrumRoll, Emergency Yodel and the Muppets and others. Yes, we want ‘moar’
Free Online File Conversion
Convert your files without the need of a desktop application at You can convert image, doc, music, video and miscellaneous other files into dozens of different formats. There is also a browser button available for faster access and the option to store your files. Related posts: Free Online PDF
Free And Legal MP3 Downloads
There are plenty of MP3 search engines out there that simply search the web for free MP3s and present them for downloading on their sites. The problem with these MP3 search engines is that much of the material is copyrighted and it may be illegal for you to download and