Reference & Tutorials
Reference & Tutorials:
HTML5 Visual Cheat Sheet
If you want to learn HTML5, or are already using it, having a cheat sheet like the one on will be very useful. It’s designed as a grid with HTML tags and their related attributes supported by HTML 5. You can print it or download through Scribd. HTML5 Visual Cheat
HTML5 Reference
For a comprehensive explanation and reference of HTML5, visit W3’s site. The page is very detailed and in depth, but it also has a getting started section that will help you create a sample document. Related posts: HTML5 Specification (Editors’ Draft) HTML5 Cheat Sheet CSS Reference
CIA’s World Fact Book: Free Statistics
To get statistic on all kinds of facts from around the world, check out the CIA’s World Fact Book. The World Factbook provides information on the history, people, government, economy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 266 world entities. The continuously updated site also includes pictures, flags, maps
List Of Special Characters in HTML
Use this handy list of special characters in HTML at Degraeve as a quick reference in your website projects. Find code for special characters, including mathematical expressions, foreign language characters, arrows and more. Related posts: Clean Up Your HTML Unicode Standard Characters List Of File Extensions And The Programs That

Unicode Standard Characters
For info on thousands of Unicode Standards characters, visit . In the Unicode Character you’ll find scripts and symbols as PDF downloads. You may need to look in several locations to find your character: “Punctuation and symbols are applicable across a very wide range of usages and scripts (writing systems).
File Extensions By Filetype Category
Sometimes you need to look up a file type by category to find out its extension and is the perfect site for that. The site will list the most popular file types within a category to save you some time when browsing through it. Some categories contain hundreds of
List Of File Extensions And The Programs That Created Them
The list of file extensions at comes in handy when you’re working with any kind of data, but especially client files and you need to find out which program created them, or can at least read them. Simply enter the file extension in the search box (file extension only;