Social Media & Networking
Social Media & Networking Tools, Apps:

Social Media Vector Pack
Thanks to the pervasiveness of social networks, social media icons have become ubiquitous in nearly all design projects. Whether the design is intended for print or for the web, chances are a social media icon will find its way into the project and not all of the icons fit nicely

How to Code a Live Dynamic Twitter Feed In HTML Email
Developing and designing for HTML emails comes with a specific set of design issues to tackle. Thanks to the numerous inconsistencies across email clients and software, even the best planned email can quickly be ruined by a pesky setting by on the recipient’s end. The team at Litmus put together

Vincent Abry Social Icons
With the widespread prevalence of social media, social icons have become a must-have feature of websites to ensure that visitors can share your content with friends and family on their own social media pages. Separate yourself from the rest of the pack with custom Twitter icons from Vincent Abry. While

Social Media Postage Stamps
Set your website apart from the pack with a custom set of social media icons from Tony Thomas of MediaLoot. This icon pack includes 24 custom social icons from the most popular social networks with their logos redesigned as postage stamps for a classic design theme. Each icon comes as

Minimalistic Mini Social Media Icons
Social media icons have become commonplace on websites of all shapes and sizes, from personal blogs to corporate home pages. While some prefer icons that standout, other designers would rather have the icons blend seamlessly into a page’s overall design theme. The crew at CreativeNerds put together this mini-icon set

Facebook Cover Photo Template
The introduction of the “Timeline” profile is one of the most drastic and somewhat controversial of the numerous Facebook updates over the years. While the new layout is loathed by some traditionalists, it offers Facebook users and especially brands a creative way to customize their profile or Facebook Page with

Help With Social Media Branding
If you’re trying to promote a brand, or just trying to reserve your preferred username on any of the social media sites, click over to KnowEm to do all the search work for you. Simply key in your desired username and the site will check dozens of social media websites