Free Software Downloads:

Reduce JPEG File Size
The relatively large size of high-resolution images can quickly increase the required load time for even the most carefully designed websites. The JPEGmini application from ICVT Ltd. allows designers to shrink the size of images without compromising the quality or the functionality of the Jpeg file type and is powerful
Q&A Open Source Platform
If you need a simple open source Q&A solution for your website, give Question2Answer a try. This is a dedicated question and answer solution and not just a simplified forum. It features a five minute install, easy CSS themes, search engine, e-mail notifications, voting, comments and follow-up questions, categories and

Open Source Web Chat
For a fully customizable web chat software try open source AJAX Chat which is implemented in JavaScript, PHP and MySQL. AJAX Chat features: multiple channels, private messaging and channels, invitation system, banning offending users, online users, emoticons, optional Flash sound support, clickable hyperlinks, enable/ disable guest users, possibility to define
Flash-based User Interface Components Written in ActionScript 3.0
Flash and ActionScript 3.0 user interface components can take lots of time to create, so why not use some ready-made, open source starter components, like the ones on ? The components on this site are lightweight, but extremely small and easy to use. In fact, the site is created purely
Q & A About Hardware, Software, Servers, Programming, Webdesign
For issues about computer hardware or computer software visit to ask questions, post answers, or simply browse. For specific programming problems, software algorithm, software tools commonly used by programmers and matters that are unique to the programming profession, visit If you have questions about servers, networks, ‘many’ desktop
Small Business Accounting Software
If you’re a professional, run a small business or you’re simply looking for free accounting software, you might want to give GnuCash a try. GnuCash is personal and small-business financial-accounting software, freely licensed under the GNU GPL and available for GNU/Linux, BSD, Solaris, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows. Download
Free Office Software
If it’s time to once again upgrade your latest word processor, spreadsheet or other office software, and you’re reluctant to spend hefty fees to do so, you may want to consider OpenOffice, the free and open office productivity suite. If you’re already using another office software package, OpenOffice will most