Web Apps, Services, Widgets
Online Apps & Services:
Resources for online apps, gadgets and services.
Google’s Own URL Shortener
Google has it’s own URL shortener at goo.gl. According to Matt Cutt’s blog it was created so Google could use it for its own products, but then they decided to make it available to the public. If you log in to your Google account, you’ll get analytics and history features

Analyze Web Page Performance
The web page performance test on WebPageTest.orggives you an overall speed test score with first view and repeat view data. The data is presented in numbers and as a graphic and also offers a full optimization checklist that includes info and tips on images, combining CSS and JS and cookies
Free URL Redirect Service
Unlike other services offering redirects, Jambai’s comes without ads. You can sign up for a free sub-domain name and use it to access your website, no matter where it is hosted. Visitors to your site won’t see your URL in the address space of the browser, only the chosen sub-domain.
Free Form Style Generator
If you need to generate forms for your website, try Form Style Generator. You can customize background color and gradient style, border, text, labels and mouse events. Once you’ve entered the required data, it generates a CSS style you can use right away. Additionally, you get an image in .PNG
Free XML Sitemaps
Get free sitemaps of your website with up to 500 pages. XML-Sitemaps lets you create sitemaps in XML, ROR, text or html format that can be submitted to Google, Yahoo and other search engines. XML sitemaps can be used to create simple lists of all pages on a website, which
Free Office Applications
If you’re looking for a no cost option for a word processor, spreadsheet, presentations and collaboration tool, try Google Docs. You’ll avoid buying and updating expensive software and you can login from any computer with internet access. Another free online office suite is offered at Zozo.com. Basic services are free,
Free Online File Conversion
Convert your files without the need of a desktop application at Zamzar.com. You can convert image, doc, music, video and miscellaneous other files into dozens of different formats. There is also a browser button available for faster access and the option to store your files. Related posts: Free Online PDF