
WordPress Theme Generator
Designing a new WordPress theme from scratch takes a lot of time, but it’ll take a lot less time if you use the free WordPress theme generator. The generator is especially useful for simple themes. You can create your own custom unique WordPress theme without any need for HTML, JS,

Create Word Clouds
This word cloud generator isn’t some plugin used for your blog, but a tool to create a beautiful looking word cloud you can save and print. Visit Wordle and either paste some text, enter a feed URL or a username. Wordle will then create your custom word cloud. We’ve
Dummy Text Generator With Formatting Features
If you’re looking for a random text generator that lets you choose the type of text, number of words or characters, font-family, style, size and also lets you preview the text in the size column you choose, you may love the Blind Text Generator. Being able to format and preview

Free Logos And Background Generator
Creatr’s free logo generator lets you choose from 7 presets for creating your logo, incl. logos with mirror effect and striped backgrounds. The site also has a generator for backgrounds which lets you add text to create buttons. Related posts: Free Logo And Button Generator Free Logos

Free Logo And Button Generator
Choose from a couple of dozen different styles and then customize your logo with different fonts, sizes and color options at CoolText. The buttons generator also lets you define the size of the button and effects used. This generator works quickly, offers hundreds of different fonts to choose from and
Social Media Badges
If you are looking for web 2.0 badges for your site, or need to create some simple buttons, visit Web20Badges. You’ll find some pre-made web 2.0 badges and a generator that allows you to create various round badges and buttons. You can customize colors, font, font size and the angle
Free CSS Generator
There are free website templates and free theme generators, but if you’d like to start from scratch and need help with CSS, this free CSS-generator might be useful to you. The site also offers lots of free CSS tips for those who are just starting out. You can use CAA