
Snabbt.js Animation Library
Animation libraries enable developers to quickly include complex and smooth animations into projects faster than ever before. While most developers are familiar with the more common libraries, there are a number of lesser-known ones that provide both functional and lightweight solutions for animations and other effects. The snabbt.js library by

LiveWeave – HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript Playground
is an interactive tool for programmers, designers and web developers to test out their HTML, CSS3 and JavaScript code in a What You See Is What You Get editor before implementing it in a project. The tool supports the latest HTML standards as well as a range of jQuery libraries
JavaScript Full Screen Image Slideshow
Full screen image slide shows can be a great design approach, if you have a site with many images and you need to show them one by one. You can install an image gallery but there is an easier way to do it get the script from and install
Create a Colorful Scrollbar with JavaScript
If you want to have a colorful scrollbar on your site, check this resource from . Copy and paste the code in your page and when you open the site, the scrollbars will be colorful. You can change the default colors to any color you like, so you can make
Drag and Drop Script
For a smooth drag and drop script for your website, try the DG Drop on . The script allows expected features like move the crop area and resize it by dragging the handles, but it also allows you to preserve its aspect ratio by pressing the shift key while resizing.